With the past years rise of web 2.0, javascript frameworks have developed and made it easy for the average webmaster to make his site more d...
30+ Fresh & Amazing jQuery Plugins & Tutorials
jQuery is slowly becoming ubiquitous in the web development arena all due to its easy to learn, easy to use and easy to extend nature. Here ...
Ajax login validation system in PHP using jQuery
In this example, first of all we’ll validate the user login detail from ajax showing the messages with some animation. If authenticated, the...
Backup Your MySQL Database Using PHP
One of the most important tasks any developer needs to do often is back up their MySQL database. In many cases, the database is what drives ...
Build HTML Tables From MySQL Tables with PHP
I was recently completing a project which required that I build a series of HTML tables which would represent all of the tables within a MyS...
Image Reflection with jQuery and MooTools
One subtle detail that can make a big difference on any web design is the use of image reflections. Using them too often can become obnoxiou...
Send Email Notifications for Broken Images Using jQuery AJAX
It's usually best to repair broken image paths as soon as possible because they can damage a website's credibility. And even worse i...
21 Brilliant jQuery Image Gallery/Slideshow Plugins
Image galleries and slideshows provide a good user experience and make viewing images more pleasant and intuitive on your website. With the ...
15 Ways to Improve CSS Techniques Using jQuery
CSS is great and when it is combined with powerful JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, you can achieve some really amazing things. Combining ...
8 Considerations For Choosing Your JavaScript Framework
Picking your JavaScript framework is a difficult decision. There are many considerations that need to be made when choosing which JavaScript...
6 Reasons To Use JavaScript Libraries & Frameworks
I've seen many articles around the internet from JavaScript fundamentalists that advocate writing your own JavaScript code instead of us...
Color Palette Generator Using jQuery
As I continue to learn jQuery, I think it's important that I begin by porting over scripts I've created using MooTools. One of those...
Load JSON data with jQuery, PHP and MySQL
This post shows how to populate a select box based on the value of the another, by getting JSON data with jQuery from a PHP script that gets...
Create a Twitter AJAX Button with MooTools, jQuery, or Dojo
There's nothing like a subtle, slick website widget that effectively uses CSS and JavaScript to enhance the user experience. Of course ...
Expand-collapse toggle panel (div) using jquery
In this post, I’ll show you how easy it is to show expandable and collapsible toggle panel using jQuery. When you click on the heading, the ...
Sleek and Smooth animated menu using jQuery
Today, I’m going to show you something interesting with jQuery. Yesterday I was thinking something to post something programming related stu...
Prevent Your CSS and JavaScript Files From Being Cached
Some websites use highly volatile, oft-changing CSS and JavaScript files. In the case of these files, it's important that the developer ...
Absolute path and Relative path file inclusion in PHP
I think you guyz must be aware of absolute path and relative path in PHP. If you do not know anything about it then let me explain you about...
Password Encryption and Decryption Technique in PHP
I’ve noticed that many of my friends are storing password in database without encrypting them. This is really a bad technique because if so...
Advanced .htaccess Security – Block Access to Include Files Using .htaccess
When I build websites for clients and myself, I use numerous include files to make my website easy to maintain. These include files may:
PHP: get keywords from search engine referer url
This post shows how to use PHP to extract the keywords searched on by a user when they found your website using a seach engine. Bing, Google...
Manage Server Hard Disk Using PHP
PHP provides some sweet functions to manage the server's hard disk. Here's how to use them.
Finding difference of days between two dates in PHP
The date format we are using is “YYYY-MM-DD”, which is the standard format of date value stored in the MySql database.
7 Useful functions to tighten the security in PHP
Security is a very important aspect of programming. In PHP, there are few useful functions which is very handy for preventing your website ...
Create a Dynamic Scrolling Content Box Using AJAX
If you have used Google Reader , then you might have noticed the way Google Reader shows feed items, it loads up few items first when you ...
Add content verification using hmac in PHP
Many times a requirement arises where we are supposed to expose an API for intended users, who can use these API endpoints to GET/POST data ...
Quick & Easy Way to Implement Drag n Share With jQuery
You must have seen the drag to share functionality on Mashable that lets visitors share the content on popular social networks intuitively...
Function to rotate image in PHP
GD library in PHP is very useful for image processing and you can do a lot image manipulation from it. In this post, I’ll show you a simple...
Sending e-mail from localhost in PHP in Windows Environment
Have you ever been frustrating, why e-mail is not going from the localhost while using XAMPP or WAMP or any other PHP servers in win...
How to check and uncheck a checkbox with jQuery
jQuery is a Javascript framework which can simplify coding Javascript for a website and removes a lot of cross browser compatibility issues....
How to create an upload meter in PHP? Explained
It was about 2 months back when I started hunting for an upload meter “How To?” guide on net. Came across a lot of links actually but I must...
MEMQ : Fast queue implementation using Memcached and PHP only
Memcached is a scalable caching solution developed by Danga interactive . One can do a lot of cool things using memcached including spam c...
Animated AJAX Record Deletion Using jQuery
I’m a huge fan of WordPress’ method of individual article deletion. You click the delete link, the menu item animates red, and the item d...
Form Element AJAX Spinner Attachment Using jQuery
We inject the spinner image into the page and reposition it depending on which field is doing the request. Very simple!
Detect an AJAX Request in PHP
I like using the same PHP script for both AJAX and non-AJAX content requests. Using one script just makes everything easier because it’s on...
Browser Compatible Info for HTML and CSS
CSS and HTML is used to design a website to look attractive. However, the development of CSS and HTML, and every browser that is not balan...
GoDaddy, cURL, HTTP, and 403 Errors
I was recently coding PHP cURL functionality for a GoDaddy-hosted website and I kept running into an annoying 403 error. Essentially, GoDadd...
I recently developed a complex system for a customer that involved PHP, cURL, and a SSL connection to a third party vendor. The third party ...
Download a URL’s Content Using PHP cURL
Downloading content at a specific URL is common practice on the internet, especially due to increased usage of web services and APIs offered...
Simple PHP Caching and Content Retrieval Function
One way to make your website exponentially faster is by caching both remote and internal requests. Why request your RSS subscriber count fro...
Caching AJAX Results in JavaScript
AJAX is an awesome tool. AJAX requests are usually faster than regular page loads and allow for a wealth of dynamism within a page. Unfortu...
21 Really Useful & Handy PHP Code Snippets
PHP is the most widely used web based programming language that powers millions of websites including some of the most popular ones like Fa...
Retrieve Google Analytics Visits and PageViews with PHP
Google Analytics is an outstanding website analytics tool that gives you way more information about your website than you probably need. Bet...
Reading Excel Documents from PHP applications
In this article we will learn on how we can read Microsoft Excel Sheet in PHP. To achieve this we will be using Open Source Tool PHPExcelRe...
Retrieve Your Gmail Emails Using PHP and IMAP
Grabbing emails from your Gmail account using PHP is probably easier than you think. Armed with PHP and its IMAP extension , you can retrie...
Facebook type image rotation and more using PHP and Javascript
If you are a facebook geek like me, you must have noticed till now the image rotate functionality in the photo albums. Facebook allows you t...
AJAX User Poll Using jQuery and PHP
Today, we’ll be creating a nice user poll script using jQuery and PHP utilizing AJAX and animation effects of jQuery to spice up the user i...
Multiple File Upload With Progress Bar Using php and jQuery
The default browser file input boxes do not allow multiple file selection for uploading at once and also do not provide any visual clue as ...
Open Source Human Resource Management System using PHP and Mysql
It’s of course built in PHP and runs a MySQL database so it’s all web based running on the apache server. It’s currently in version 2.3 as i...
Inventory management system (IMS) using php and Mysql
Inventory Management Software: Having problems with keeping an accurate inventory ? Web-based inventory management makes it easy to keep ...
Plotting line graph using PHP GD Support
Reading data from the mysql table To use line graph we are using data from mysql table. We will not discuss much on how to get data and the...
Getting technorati ranking in PHP without using their API
I was going through the T echnorati API to find the rank of the blog using PHP. Those who doesn’t know about Technorati, Technorati is kno...
Web Services and PHP – SOAP vs XML-RPC vs REST
In a typical web surfing scenario, a visitor visits a website and use the functionality provided by that particular website.HTTP request is...
Force download multiple files in a zip archive using PHP
I’ll show you how can you download the multiples files in a zip archive using PHP. I’ve made a function in PHP where you’ve to pass the par...
Paging Using PHP and MySQL
When there's more than one column involved in paging there isn't much that we need to modify. We only need to decide how to count t...
Finding PHP and MySQL Hosting
There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a web hosting company. But one thing for sure is that price is no longer important ....
Read HTML files using PHP
Reading an html file is just like reading any other file. You could use fopen() combined with fread() or file_get_contents() or file...
Executing a Shell Command Using PHP
You can use either system() or exec() . Just remember to ALWAYS use the full path to the command. So instead of entering 'top -n1...
List a Directory's Contents Using PHP
To list the content of a directory you just need to use the combination of opendir() and readdir() functions.
User Authentication with Image Verification using php
In some cases you may want your loging form to be able to prevent automatic login by a robot ( script ). To achieve this we can create a lo...
Append a String to a File Using PHP
To append a string to a file you will need to open the file using fopen() with the 'a' parameter. For example if your log file nam...
Content Management System ( CMS ) using PHP and MySQL
A Content Management System ( CMS ) is used to add, edit, and delete content on a website. For a small website, such as this, adding and de...
Http Client Class for PHP development
This class is designed to provide quick http reqest method to access external website. A CURL alternative to php native file_get_contents m...
Convert a Multidimensional Array Into Single Dimension using php
I have wrapped three static functions for converting multidimensional configuration data. It is very much useful when working with configur...
Free PHP Encryption Software
A software developer is faced with a potential troublesome issue. When all the programming is done, and it's time to distribute the actu...
Display random number in random way using JavaScript
I think you guys already know about how to get the random number using JavaScript, if you don’t know then you can use Math.random() to displ...
Php function to validate two decimal places of a number
If you are looking for the validation of a number which contains only two decimal places. Means you want to accept the values like 0.21 o...
Email address validation in PHP
you’ve been asking why this person has posted the same stuff which you can find easily in google. Ya you are right you can get lots of scri...
Uploading large(big) files in PHP using .htaccess
I’ve seen that many of my friends are struggling with the uploads of the bigger or larger files in PHP. After looking at their struggle, i’...
Hide .php extension with url rewriting using .htaccess
I’m going to show you how to rewrite the URL instead of renaming the file extension Using this technique you will see product.html in the...
5 useful url rewriting examples using .htaccess
If you are looking for the examples of URL rewriting then this post might be useful for you. In this post, I’ve given five useful examples ...
Getting country , city name from IP address in PHP
I’ve used the API from hostip.info to fetch the country name , city name and country code from the given IP address. I’ve mad this functi...
Ip address validation in PHP using regular expression
If you don’t know how to validate the IP address format in PHP, then you are in the right place.I’ll show you here how to validate the IP a...
Creating and Parsing JSON data with PHP
I’m going to tell you something about JSON data and how we can handle them via PHP. Although, JSON stands JavaScript Object Notation , it...
Prevent form post request from another domain in PHP
HTTP POST request from outside domain is one of the way of attacking your website. A intruder can use JavaScript in other domain or localho...
8 useful server variables available in PHP
You guys must have know about server variables in PHP. Server Variables are those variables which are inside the super global array named $...
Getting real IP address in PHP
Are you using $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] to find the the client’s IP address in PHP? Well dude, you might be amazed to know that it may...
Using remote files in PHP
As long as allow_url_fopen is enabled in php.ini, you can use HTTP and FTP URLs with most of the functions that take a filename as a parame...
Installing Memcache On Windows For PHP
Installing memcache on Windows XP / Vista is kind of like voodoo for those of us who are not disciplined with compiling code from source....
Make Your Website Completely UTF-8 Friendly
Running an Internationalization / Localization [or i18n / L10n] friendly website can be tricky, and sometimes downright maddening for those...
Setting Up Your Localhost As Example.Com
Often times when people install WAMP [or LAMP ] stacks on their machines, they’ll commonly use http://localhost/ to access their local...